The society is governed by a Council of 9 members who are the Executive members of the society, elected by the members biennially at an Annual General meeting.
Vice President
Vice Secretary
Vice Treasurer
Executive member
Executive member
Executive member
Click the images to review the individuals details :
Geol. Joseph Ng’ang’a Kuria
Vice President
Geol. Dr. Christine Omuombo
Geol. James Alex Nyandigisi
Vice Secretary
Geol. Dr. Samson Oiro
Geol. Dr. Anna Mwangi
Vice Treasurer
Geol. Hillary Koech
Senior Council Member
Geol. Dr. Lydia Olaka
Senior Council Member
Geol. Edmond Makhanu
Geol. Joseph Ng’ang’a Kuria
Geol. Joseph Ng’ang’a Kuria holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from The University of Nairobi, Postgraduate Diploma in Basin Analysis and Petroleum Geology, and an MSc in Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology both from Curtin University, Australia. He has over 20 years working experience in Mining & Water Sectors.
Geologist Kuria has previously served Geological Society of Kenya as Secretary, Treasurer and as Executive Member.
Ng’ang’a Kuria is also serving as a Member of the Geologists Registration Board.
The management of the society Give directions to the manner in which, given by the law, the office bearers perform their duties.
Vice President
Geol. Dr. Christine Omuombo
Dr Christine Omuombo is a geoscientist, consultant and an academic coach based at The Technical Univesity of Kenya . Previously she was engaged in research and teaching activities at the University of Nairobi. She has more than 12 years of experience in water, climate, environment, and population dynamics in an effort to understand the climate and human impact on the environment in the past and present landscapes. She began her academic career in Kenya as a Geology major at the University of Nairobi and later obtained a Joint European MSc in Water and Coastal Management from three European universities through an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. Her PhD work focused on understanding long term changes using lake sediment records and the application of biogeochemistry to assess changes through time. This work has been done in collaboration with Sorbonne Université (UPMC) for laboratory support with a scholarship from the French Institute for Research (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)) and the French government.
Geol. James Alex Nyandigisi
Experienced natural resource consultant and manager with a demonstrated expertise and experience in working in the Geothermal, mineral & metals industry. Skilled in Geothermal & Minerals, MapInfo, Geostatistics, Hydrogeology, and Base Metals. Strong research professional with a Master’s Degree in Geothermal Energy Technology and Mineral Mining and Masters Degree in Business Management (Strategic Management). Am a critical thinker and strategist. A great asset to have in your team!
Vice Secretary
Geol. Dr. Samson Oiro
Experienced Water Resources Coordination Manager and researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the water sector. Skilled in Hydrogeology. Groundwater numerical modelling, Geophysics, Geological Mapping, Logging, Structural Geology, Climate Change, Land use changes, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Strong engineering professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD in Geosciences) focused in Hydrogeology from University of Aberdeen, MSc in Land Resources Engineering from Ghent University and Free University of Brussels, IWRM- Technology for Integrated Water Management from Antwerp University and Ghent University, and BSc in Geology from the University of Nairobi. Experienced Water Resources Coordination Manager and researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the water sector. Skilled in Hydrogeology. Groundwater numerical modelling, Geophysics, Geological Mapping, Logging, Structural Geology, Climate Change, Land use changes, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Strong engineering professional with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD in Geosciences) focused in Hydrogeology from University of Aberdeen, MSc in Land Resources Engineering from Ghent University and Free University of Brussels, IWRM- Technology for Integrated Water Management from Antwerp University and Ghent University, and BSc in Geology from the University of Nairobi. Featured
Geol. Dr. Anna Mwangi
Vice Treasurer
Geol. Hillary Koech
I have a vision to foster positive interaction with our physical environment- especially water related disciplines.
Senior Council Member
Geol. Dr. Lydia Olaka
Is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher. Olaka consults in Geologist, Climate change, Geochemistry, geological solutions for Carbon Sequestration as well as groundwater dynamics in fractured rift rocks. Dr Olaka has Over 15 years in Environmental change analysis, Climate Change and variability, analysis of surface and groundwater dynamics, Remote sensing and GIS, Optical and Radar satellite image analysis, Geochemistry, emerging contaminants, Pollution and health.